Important note: for simplicity, sessions will be held at the same time slots every day ; below are the date for several time zone:
GMT (as on the website)
Western Europe
US East Coast
US West Coast
Session #1
Noon - 1:15pm
1:00pm - 2:15pm
1:00pm - 2:15pm
4:00am - 5:15am
8:00pm - 9:15pm
Plenary Talk
1:30pm - 2:45pm
2:30pm - 3:45pm
8:30am - 9:45am
5:30am - 6:45am
9:30pm - 10:45pm
Session #2
3:00pm - 4:30pm
4:00pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 11:30am
7:00am - 8:30am
11:00pm - 1:30am
Overview of the Technical Program:
Detailed Technical Program:
Day 1
REGULAR SESSION: Security of Deep Learning (December 13th - 12am – 1:15pm GMT - Chaired by : Svyatoslav Voloshynovskyy)
"RoSe: A RObust and SEcure Black-Box DNN Watermarking", Kassem Kallas & Teddy Furon.
"Supervised GAN Watermarking for Intellectual Property Protection", Jianwei Fei, Zhihua Xia, Benedetta Tondi & Mauro Barni.
"Rethinking Adversarial Examples for Location Privacy Protection", Trung-Nghia Le, ; Ta Gu, Huy Hong Nguyen & Isao Echizen.
Coffee break (December 13th 1:15 - 1:30 GMT)
PLENARY TALK I (December 13th - 1:30pm – 2:45pm GMT - Chaired by : Rémi COGRANNE)
operational application of digital media forensics by Eric Krupicka, BKA, Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany)
Coffee break (December 13th 2:45 - 3:00 GMT)
REGULAR SESSION: Copy Detection Patterns (CDP) (December 13th - 3pm - 4:40pm GMT - Chaired by : Bin LI)
"Digital twins of physical printing-imaging channel", Yury Belousov, Brian Pulfer, Roman Chaban, Joakim Tutt, Olga Taran, Taras Holotyak & Slava Voloshynovskiy.
"Mathematical model of printing-imaging channel for blind detection of fake copy detection patterns", J. Tutt, O. Taran, R. Chaban, B. Pulfer, Y. Belousov, T. Holotyak & S. Voloshynovskiy.
"Anomaly localization for copy detection patterns through print estimations", B. Pulfer, Y. Belousov, J. Tutt, R. Chaban, O. Taran, T. Holotyak & S. Voloshynovskiy.
"Printing variability of copy detection patterns", Roman Chaban, Olga Taran, Joakim Tutt, Yury Belousov, Brian Pulfer, Taras Holotyak & Slava Voloshynovskiy.
Day 2
REGULAR SESSION: Multimedia forensics I (December 14th – 12:00am - 1:15pm GMT - Chaired by : Benedetta TONDI)
"Graph-based Robust Model Hashing", Yitong Tao & Chuan Qin.
"Proof-of-Concept of Polar Codes for Biometric Identification and Authentication", Yicheng Bao, Linghui Zhou & Tobias Oechtering.
"Phase-Only Artificial Noise for Secure Communication with Multiple Antennas Using Simultaneous Orthogonalization", Adam I Rose, Bindu Chandna & Kevin Burke.
Coffee break (December 14th 1:15 - 1:30 GMT)
PLENARY TALK II (December 14th - 1:30pm – 2:45pm GMT - Chaired by : Annalisa VERDOLIVA)
"Frontiers of Neural Media Synthesis" by David Luebke, Vice President of Research at NVIDIA Corporation.
Coffee break (December 14th 2:45 - 3:00 GMT)
SPECIAL SESSION: Trends and Challenges in Audio Forensics I (December 14th - 3pm - 4:40pm GMT - Chaired by : Sara MANDELLI)
"Microphone Identification based on Spectral Entropy with Convolutional Neural Network", Gianmarco Baldini & Irene Amerini
"Deepfake audio detection by speaker verification", Alessandro Pianese, Davide Cozzolino, Giovanni Poggi & Luisa Verdoliva.
"Environment Classification via Blind Roomprints Estimation", Malte Baum, Luca Cuccovillo, Artem Yaroshchuk & Patrick Aichroth.
"The Sound of Silence: Efficiency of First Digit Features in Synthetic Audio Detection", Daniele Mari, Federica Latora & Simone Milani.
Day 3
SPECIAL SESSION: Trends and Challenges in Audio Forensics II (December 15th – 12:00am - 1:15pm GMT - Chaired by : Paolo BESTAGINI)
"Open Challenges in Synthetic Speech Detection", L. Cuccovillo, C. Papastergiopoulos, A. Vafeiadis, A. Yaroshchuk, P. Aichroth, K. Votis & D. Tzovaras.
"Exploring the Synthetic Speech Attribution Problem Through Data-Driven Detectors", Davide Salvi, Paolo Bestagini & Stefano Tubaro.
"Detecting Synthetic Speech Manipulation in Real Audio Recordings", Hafizur Rahman, Martin Graciarena, Diego Castan, Cobo-Chris Kroenke, Mitchell Mclaren & Aaron Lawson.
Coffee break (December 15th 1:15 - 1:30 GMT)
PLENARY TALK III (December 15th - 1:30pm – 2:45pm GMT - Chaired by : Annalisa VERDOLIVA)
"Detecting Intent in Misinformation and Disinformation in Social Media" by Julia Hirschberg, AAAI fellow, Professor at Columbia University
Coffee break (December 15th 2:45 - 3:00 GMT)
REGULAR SESSION: Multimedia forensics II (December 15th - 3pm - 4:40pm GMT - Chaired by : Robert ALTSCHAFFEL)
"A Two-Step Method for Ensuring Printed Document Integrity using Crossing Number Distances", Felix Yriarte, Pauline Puteaux & Iuliia Tkachenko.
"Boosting Authorship Attribution of Small Messages Through Language Models", Antonio Theophilo & Anderson Rocha.
"Few-shot Learning for Multi-modal Social Media Event Filtering, Nascimento", José; Cardenuto, João P; Jing Yang & Anderson Rocha.
"Demosaicing to Detect Demosaicing and Image Forgeries", Quentin Bammey, Rafael Grompone von Gioi & Jean-Michel Morel.
Day 4
REGULAR SESSION: Cyber-Physical Systems (December 16th - 12am – 1:15pm GMT - Chaired by : Zhenxing QIAN)
"Optimal Energy Efficient Design of Artificial Noise to Prevent Side-Channel Attacks", Shan Jin, Minghua Xu, Riccardo Bettati & Mihai Christodorescu.
"ECU Identification using Neural Network Classification and Hyperparameter Tuning", Kunaal Verma, Mansi Girdhar, Azeem Hafeez & Selim Awad.
"PRIDE: A Privacy-Preserving Decentralised Key Management System", David Kester, Tianyu Li & Zekeriya Erkin.
Coffee break (December 16th 1:15 - 1:30 GMT)
PLENARY TALK IV (December 16th - 1:30pm – 2:45pm GMT - Chaired by : Rémi COGRANNE)
"Adversarial examples: unavoidable threat or scarecrow?" by Mauro Barni, IEEE Fellow, Professor at the University of Siena
Coffee break (December 16th 2:45 - 3:00 GMT)
REGULAR SESSION: Steganography & steganalysis (December 16th - 3pm - 4:40pm GMT - Chaired by : Jennifer NEWMAN)
"T-GRU: conTextual Gated Recurrent Unit model for high-quality Linguistic Steganography", Zhen Yang, Zihan Xu, Ru Zhang & Yongfeng Huang.
"Robust Blind Video Watermarking, Constructing Spread-Spectrum Matrix", Fei Zhang, Hongxia Wang, Ling Yang & Mingze He.
"Using Set Covering to Generate Databases for Holistic Steganalysis", Rony Abecidan, Tomas Pevny, Vincent Itier, Patrick Bas & Jeremie Boulanger.
"Toward Reliable JPEG Steganalysis (at QF100)", Etienne Levecque, John Klein, Patrick Bas & Jan Butora.